Das kleine rote Auto (2021)

“The Little Red Car” was made in collaboration with Kimberly Hilgers and as part of my bachelor thesis, which is about different tracking techniques in combination with stop-motion animation. The short film tells the story of a red car that has Parkinson’s-like symptoms and annoys a yellow sports car with its slow, bumpy driving. The social spot was produced for the Deutsche Parkinson Vereinigung e.V. It celebrated its premiere on World Parkinson’s Day on 11 April and was awarded the special prize of 1000€ at the Charity Video Award 2021.

Concept, production und animation: Kimberly Hilgers and Marlena Opalka

Tracking and facial animation: Marlena Opalka

Set extension: Kimberly Hilgers

Music and sound: Patrick Puszko

Project supervision: Prof. Isolde Asal, Sandin Puce, Kim Nguyen, Patxi Aguirre

Special thanks to: Fabian Klein, Justin Janßen, Wiebke Schnabel, Marian Fitz, Rüdiger Muhl

BTS – Marlena & Kimberly

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